Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Thats you my friend!

You are my friend ...
days months or years it may be...
We judge each other,
As we know each other,
You aren't a hard nut to crack,
Still you are a sweet parcel to pack..
You are a present for people who know you really well,
They know you are a sweet and precious jewel...
And no one will afford ever to slip you out,
you are an sweet part of their life without a doubt,

You are sweet,
But rude at times,
You are arrogant 
but still innocent
You are hell like stupid at times,
But in smartness you are at prime
You handle situations so well
but only after you yourself messing up things as hell,

That's you my friend....

You are not funny at all
but still u get a laugh for many 
You are an emotional geek,
but make others cry more by your love
You are lovely, 
But with a mark of margin
You are beautiful,
But your laugh goes ugly. 
Your laugh is scary as hell,
But I know its innocence well.

That's you my friend.

You are single of a kind,
You cannot be compared,
You are a gem, rare to find,
You are my best feeling ever aired, 
I capture every moment to tell,
As I know once found, you are impossible to leave..

Thats why I daily yell,
In the loudest feeling, and noisiest emotion,
To the world of crowdy foxes,

"You are mine, you are mine"

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